lundi 15 mars 2010

Un week end à Paris

Paris from Margaret on Vimeo.

Ca fait plusieurs jours que je me dis je dois faire le montage de ce petit film. Finalement, dimanche dernier j'ai eu un élan de motivation, donc j'ai tout monté. C'était un super week end à Paris, mon amie S. était venue me rendre visite. Les week end devraient plus souvent ressembler à ça, même si on a eu droit à une sacrée tempête, c'était super.

It has been now a few weeks that i am telling myself, i have to do the making up of the short movie. Finally last sunday i got the motivation, so i put it all together. It was a lovely week end in Paris, with my good friend S. who came visit me. I think week ends should be ofter like that, eventhough we've been through a storm, it was fun.

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