samedi 27 août 2011


Back in Berlin, enjoying some time off this time, and loving it .. going to the lake on weekdays .. Went to Weissensee, had never checked that place before somehow (how come ??) Anyway, it is nice to know you just need to grab your bike, cycle for about 20-30 minutes and jump in the water !

lundi 22 août 2011

Bordeaux 40°C

vendredi 19 août 2011

Bassin d'Arcachon/ en Vrac

Dune du Pilat

Dune du Pilat : is the tallest sand dune in Europe, The dune has a volume of about 60,000,000 m³, measuring around 500 m wide from east to west and 3 km in length from north to south. Its height is 107 metres above sea level. We went on top .. and WAW ! the view is amazing !! we sat there on the top of the dune and just enjoyed the view. On one side the pine forest, on the other side the Ocean, with Cap Ferret, the bay of Arcachon, the sandbanks etc. Great Great Great!

Contis Plage

The other day we drove down to the South .. it is nice to discover new beaches on the Atlantic Coast. We have been driving through huge pine forests .. so much beauty, then we reached the crazy ocean .. Another great day under the sun :)

samedi 13 août 2011

Crevettes !