lundi 24 janvier 2011

Sick but Happy !

Waw .. that is what i call a Good Surprise ! so .. i got a sms from J. that i shall open my apartment door carefully. So i go to the door, but also kind of scared :) .. like "what the hell is behind my door ? " .. so i go very carefully and find a Lafayette bag hanging at my door handle. Felt like Christmas to open that big bag .. where i found : lemon, clementines, oliv bread sticks, mint tea, french cookies, and a Anna Gavalda book (in french !!! haha). Thanks J. ! Merci merci beaucoup .. fantastic surprise, cheered me up so much .. ain't that bad to be sick after all .. ;) 

2 commentaires:

  1. et moi j attends toujours mon cadeau... chez la concierge. ;)
    cool for u :)

  2. oui ca fait super plaisir les paquets surprise !!
