jeudi 27 janvier 2011

Holy Luminous Sea Creatures !

Don't ask me why, but i had those memories coming up to my mind yesterday and i thought i d like to write a little post about it.  There are a few rare experiences in life in which the emotional content is outside logic or a sense of reality, one of them is swimming with phosphorescent phytoplanktonImagine the scene... (i don't have any pictures, it was back then, i was 16 or so, and nope .. i did not carry any camera at night, so i took some pics from the internet) It was in August, i was spending my holidays on the Coast, Northern France, Bray-Dunes. Back then i did lots of windsurfing, so i had a bunch of friends who with we'd often hang out at the Sailing Club, where we also had lots of parties. So it was one of those nights, where you drink, dance, laugh etc .. and then around 1 or 2 in the morning you decide to go for a swim. It was low tide, so we had to walk pretty much, and as we reached the humid sand, at each step the sand would start to glow .. leaving neon blue footprints ..  I mean we were in the total darkness, trying to follow each other on our way to the water. We had no clue what was going on. None of us had ever seen glow-in-the-dark plankton before. Every footstep in the damp sand sends a ring of blue light expanding outward. Each wave is a fluorescent blue tube.   Up close, the glow sparkles blue points; the individual planktic.  Of course, we had to go swimming... We all run into the Sea making huge blue sparkles, that was just Crazy. We could not see each others faces, it was way too dark, we'd just see blue lines in the sea. Our bodies were outlined in blue light. As soon as we stopped moving, it went all dark again. So basically we then continiously flapped around. We put the glowing water on our arms, hair .. and waved in the air. Those bioluminescent plankton are called dinoflagellates. After a while jumping around in the blue water we went back home, we had a plastic bottle in which we took some seawater .. we shook the bottle from time to time on our way back to illuminate the way .. It was a beautiful unexpected experience. It was just Fantastic. That was the one and only time i experienced it. Next day we went back .. but no more funny plankton .. 

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