lundi 24 janvier 2011

Happy Birthday La Fla !

Finally my postal package arrived at La Fla in Paris ... !! Happy Birthday darling !! Love you !!  The package consisted of ..  some special lighters edition : "Kreuzberg 36", then a tiny Jägermeister bottle (well the usual stuff from berlin in a way) a Milk foam maker (as La Fla loses it every year ), an unused Paris Metro ticket of mine ;) a cute card from R.S.V.P shop where i went HERE  and 2 bags, a black one and one from the famous Do You Read Me shop . Hope you liked your gifts Mademoiselle, kisskuss !!     !!

3 commentaires:

  1. of course my little Margret I definitively loved my gifts, thanks a lot. u'r the one, the best one !

  2. Oups, i wanted to say -> Margaret'
    hihii, sorry..
    magret j aime beaucoup mais dans mon assiette.

  3. haha j avais même pas vu .. :) oui c est sur le magret c est meilleur dans son assiette :)
