vendredi 25 juin 2010

An evening in Paris

Little dinner close to Montmartre at L'été en pente douce. It was a warm evening, we enjoyed a delicious ceasar salad and a bit of rosé. 

mardi 22 juin 2010


Back in Paris .. meeting up by the Sacré Coeur with a friend. I love the place, and will always do ! 

dimanche 20 juin 2010

Last summer in Berlin

Those pictures were taken last summer with my Holga camera in Berlin. I am looking forward to this summer  !! going back to Berlin next week !! for ever and ever !

samedi 19 juin 2010



mercredi 16 juin 2010

mardi 15 juin 2010

Gas station

Poule ou Coq ?

samedi 12 juin 2010


Baby Cats !

Noisette gave birth the other day, so now we have 4 little babycats at home, they are so soft, so tiny, so cute !